Monday, March 17, 2008

Comics From Comic Class

Comics i made in comic class (surprise right?) my favorite comic i did was "the hunt" it's the one page comic this no dialogue. There is a wooden mask and then some. Nick Bachman was in my comic class as-well, his final was my favorite in the class of Count Goulash doing business. It's on his blog...check it out! i have the link on the side.


XStina said...

These look amazing Ben! Nice work! :)

Hey, if you ever need any website making help, or me explaining to you how the interwebs work, drop by the learning center whenever!


nickbachman said...

Thanks for the plug, Ben. I dig your space page the most.

Kazzer.meyer said...

surprise surprise, ben bury loves hitler....i KNEW it! this is evidence that you are a racist, right there! see? you will never win the democratic primaries now!